English language publications on

People marked as South Asians in Germany

>> complete list of publications


Aksakal, Mustafa (2019), "International migration and place-based inequalities. The case of high-skilled migration and student mobility to eastern Germany", in: S. Irudaya Rajan (Hrsg.): India Migration Report 2019. Diaspora in Europe, New Delhi: Routledge, 106-122.

Amrute, Sareeta (2016), Encoding Race, Encoding Class. Indian IT workers in Berlin, Durham: Duke University Press.

Baumann, Martin, see Bibliographie

Begg, Jasmine (2006), "Socialization as a young woman of Indian background in Germany and inter-cultural observations", in: Klaus Voll und Doreen Beierlein (Hrsg. 2006), Rising India - Europe's Partner?, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, 974-980.

Brosius, Christiane (2005), „The Scattered Homeland of the Migrant”, in: Kaur, Raminder und Ajay Sinha (Hrsg.). Bollyworld. Popular Indian Cinema through a Transnational Lens, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 207-238.

Chatterjee, Sandra und Shyamala Moorty (2003), "BiDentities, not binaries: using choreography and writing to investigate bi-cultural experiences", in: Mots Pluriels, No. 23, March. Online: http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/MotsPluriels/MP2303scsm.html.

Choi, Sun-ju and Anke Illing (2005), "Scattered Wholes and Chosen Bits - Reality and Everyday life of Second Generation German-Indian Women", in: Angelika Fitz, Merle Kröger, Alexandra Schneider und Dorothee Wenner (ed.), Import Export - Cultural Transfer - India, Germany, Austria, Parhas Verlag, Berlin, 208-215.

Ganesh, Kamala (2014), "From Sanskrit Classicism to Tamil Devotion: Shifting Images of Hinduism in Germany, in: Ester Gallo (Hrsg.): Migration and Religion in Europe. Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences, London: Routledge, 233-248.

Goel, Urmila, Bibliographie

Gottschlich, Pierre (2012), German Case Study, CARIM-India Research Report; 2012/03.
Gottschlich, Pierre (2012), "The Indian Diaspora in Germany", in: Ajaya Kumar Sahoo und Laxmi Narayan Kadekar (Hrsg.), Global Indian Diaspora. History, Culture and Identity, Jaipur: Rawat, 157-175.

Hüwelmeier, Gertrud (2014), "'Our Future will be in India': Travelling Nuns between Europe and South Asia", in: Ester Gallo (Hrsg.): Migration and Religion in Europe. Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences, London: Routledge, 45-57.
Hüwelmeier, Gertrud (2008): "Negotiating diversity. Catholic Nuns as cosmopolitans", in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte (SZRKG), 102. 105-117.

Kadekar, Laxmi Narayan (2012), "Global Indian Diaspora: A Brief History", in: Ajaya Kumar Sahoo and Laxmi Narayan Kadekar (eds.), Global Indian Diaspora. History, Culture and Identity, Jaipur: Rawat, 19-132 ("Germany", pp.99).

Luchesi, Brigitte (2004), "Tamil Hindu Places of Worship in Germany", in: Knut A. Jacobsen und Kumar P. Pratap, South Asians in the diaspora: histories and religious traditions, Leiden.
Luchesi, Brigitte (2008, "Seeking the Blessing of the Consolatrix Afflictorum: The Annual Pilgrimage of Sri Lankan Tamils to the Madonna in Kevelaer (Germany)", in: Knut A. Jacobsen and Selva J. Raj (eds., 2008), South Asian Christian Diaspora: Invisible Diaspora in Europe and North America, Farnham: Ashgate, 75-96.

Maya, S. (2017), Changing Perspectives among Indian Diaspora in Germany. Culture and Gender, New Delhi: Winshield.

Molt, Christiane Maria Indira (2006), "In search of Indo-European identities", in: Klaus Voll und Doreen Beierlein (Hrsg. 2006), Rising India - Europe's Partner?, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, 963-969.

Nijhawan, Michael (2005), "Deportability, Medicine, and the Law", in: Anthropology & Medicine, Vol. 12, No.3, December, 271-285.
Nijhawan, Michael (2016), The Precarious Diaspora of Sikh and Ahmadiya Generations. Violence, Memory, and Agency, New York: Palgrave.

Nijhawan, Shobna (2008), "Out of Place in Lindenstrasse: On the Representation of Ethnicity in a German Soap Opera.", in: South Asian Popular Culture, 6.2, 161-176.

Oesterheld, Joachim (2006), "Indians in Berlin: Past and Present", in: Klaus Voll und Doreen Beierlein (Hrsg. 2006), Rising India - Europe's Partner?, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, 901-909.
Oesterheld, Joachim (1998), Indians and the Indian Cause in Germany (1918-1933). In: Journal of Historical Studies. Patna 4, S. 87-99.

Sander, Sangeetha (2006), "Indian Dance as a Medium of Intercultural Understanding for European Audiences", in: Klaus Voll und Doreen Beierlein (Hrsg. 2006), Rising India - Europe's Partner?, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, 1006-1012.

Schmidt, Kerstin (2019), "The abstract concept of an 'Indian community'. Perceptions of high-skilled migrants and international students from India in Germany, in: S. Irudaya Rajan (Hrsg.): India Migration Report 2019. Diaspora in Europe, New Delhi: Routledge, 123-136.

Sundaram, Navina (2005), "An Outsider's Inside View or an Insider's Outside View - India on German TV 1957-2005", in: Angelika Fitz, Merle Kröger, Alexandra Schneider und Dorothee Wenner (ed.), Import Export - Cultural Transfer - India, Germany, Austria, Parhas Verlag, Berlin,19-26.

Viehrig, Kathrin (2005), Indian Life in Karlsruhe: Survey and Development of Teaching Material for Primary Schools", M.A. thesis, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe.

© Urmila Goel, www.urmila.de 2022