Lehrveranstaltungen von Urmila Goel an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder

Sommersemester 2005:

Migration and Film - Self–representations of the second generation

Seminar by Dr. Urmila Goel, viadrina@urmila.de
BA, Sozialwissenschaften-Vertiefung // GS Typ B
Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:30 Uhr, Room: AM 202, Starting: 12.04.05
Office Hours: Tuesday, 12.00 - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HG 248

Second generation migrants are not migrants themselves. Their parents migrated and thus they were brought up as members of an ethnic minority. Second generation migrants are different from their parents and different from the host society. From this double otherness hybrid identities are developing, which are increasingly displayed intentionally in public. In the seminar we will discuss how this is done in films from Great Britain and Germany. We will do this on the basis of theories on migration.

Requirements for participants: Knowledge about migration, ethnic identity.
Language: The seminar is conducted in English and German. All students must know both languages passively and one actively

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© Urmila Goel, www.urmila.de 2005