On people marked as South Asians in Germany


urmila.de provides information about the research of Urmila Goel, which deals in particular with people, who are marked as 'South Asians' in 'Europe', and again in particular in 'Germany', as well as the processes of othering in societies structured by racism.

I am maintaining this website myself and can be contacted at info (at) urmila.de. I am myself marked as an 'Indian of the second generation in Germany' and have done research on this context since 1997. In this time my  research interest has shifted from one more focussed on essentialised notions of 'South Asian' identities to the mechanisms of othering, exclusion and racism met by those, who are marked as others in 'Germany'. The older texts still show this earlier research focus, from which I am distancing myself now (for a discussion of the problems of essentialising see Indians in Germany’ - The imagination of a community).

Migration history:

Research projects


© Urmila Goel, urmila.de / english / Germany 2022