Lehrveranstaltungen von Urmila Goel an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder

Wintersemester 2004/05: Virtual Ethnicity - Ethnic Identity Construction in the  Internet

19.10.04 Introduction (presentation as pdf)

Additional Reading: Anderson (1991)


I. Ethnicity, Diaspora, Hybridity - Concepts


and 02.11.04

Ethnicity (presentations 26.10.04 and 02.11.04 as pdf)

Reading: Jenkins (1994)


  • Barth (1969)
  • Cohen (1985)
  • Jenkins (1996, 1997)
  • Hutchinson and Smith (1996)
 09.11.04 Diaspora (presentation as pdf)

Reading:  Clifford (1994)


  • Cohen (1997)
  • Hall (1999)
  • Saffran (1991)
16.11.04 Hybridity (presentation as pdf)

Reading: Werbner (1997)


  • Badawia (2002)
  • Baumann (1996, 1997, 1998)
  • Friedman (1997)
  • Gilroy (1993)
  • Mecheril (1994, 1997)
  • Werbner & Modood (1997)

 II. Introduction to Media and Internet

 23.11.04 Media and Ethnicity (presentation as pdf)

Reading: Karim (2003), 1-18.

Additional: Karim (2003)


30.11.04 Social relationships in the Internet (presentation as pdf)

Reading: Miller & Slater (2000), Ch. 3


  • Döring (2003)
  • Jones (1997)
  • Miller & Slater (2000)
  • see also SS 04
07.12.04 Presentations with focus on media by Miruna Covaci and Luana Martin (pdf)

Revision (pdf) and presentation on virtual communities by Mareile Paske (pdf)


14.12.04 Discussion of reports and theory

III. Virtual Ethnicity

04.01.05 no class
11.01.05 Presentations with focus on specifity of internet (presentation as pdf)

by Myrae Mae Cabantac (pdf), Alexandra Florea  (pdf), and Natalia Tabolich (pdf)



14.00 - 18.00

1. Virtual Ethnicity (presentation as pdf)

Reading: Miller & Slater (2000), Chapter 4


  • Mitra (1997)
  • Zurawaski (1996, 2000)
  • see also SS 04

2. Case Study: Virtual Islam

Reading: Mandaville (2003)


  • Anderson (1999)
  • Bunt (2000)
25.01.05 Race and Racism in the Internet (presentation as pdf)


  • Kolko et al (2000), 1-13.
  • McPherson (2000)


  • Brosius (2004)
  • Kolko et al (2000)
01.02.05 Presentations with focus on virtual ethnicity (presentation as pdf)

by Monica Bajan/ Darja Bozhko (presentation as pdf)  and Zofia Wnuk (presentation as pdf)


08.02.05 Discussion of Essays and Feedback (presentation as pdf)


11.04.05 Handing in of Essays


© Urmila Goel, www.urmila.de 2005